A vacation along the Wine Route
Delve into the marvelous world of wine
Wine culture has been cultivated in the Palatinate for thousands of years. The Romans took advantage of the mild climate and built wineries. Today, Germany's second largest wine growing region is located in the Palatinate and the picturesque Wine Route leads travelers right through this area. Along 85 km, traditional wine villages, pretty half-timber houses, impressive wineries, endless vineyards and the lifestyle of the Palatinate open themselves up!
Start your wine tour directly at the Hotel Pfalzblick. The southern section of the German Wine Route begins just 25 km away, at the German Wine Gate in Schweigen.
Savor the Mediterranean Flair & Top wines
The Palatinate is pampered with 2,000 hours of sunshine every year. Enjoy the Mediterranean flair while hiking through the vineyards and the chestnut forests, strolling through Landau and the idyllic Bad Bergzabern or enjoying a good glass of wine ...
When your car is safely back at the Hotel Pfalzblick, you can try the wines more intensely ... First-class wines such as the ones from Dr. Wehrheim Winery in Birklweiler or from the Bernhart Winery in Schweigen – according to Gault Milau Wine Guide Becker produces year for year one of the best German red wines!
- Our Hotel is in a magnificent, delightful region
- Southern section of the German Wine route is only 25 km away
- Wissembourg as an extension of the Alsatian Wine Route
- Savor the wines from high-quality Palatinate wineries
The Wine Routes in the Region:
German Wine Route
Runs from the German Wine Gate in Schweigen-Rechtenbach at the French border to the "Haus der Deutschen Weinstraße" (House of the German Wine Route) in Bockenheim near Worms. Length of the German Wine Route: 85km by car, 95 km by bicycle, 100 km by foot.
Southern Wine Route
The southern part of the German Wine Route stretches from Schweigen-Rechtenbach to Maikammer-Kirrweiler at the foot of the Kalmit Mountain, which is the highest mountain in the Palatinate Forest at 673 m.
Alsatian Wine Route
170 km along the Vosges Mountains from Marlenheim in the north (near Strasbourg) to Thann in the south (near Mulhouse). Another well-known Alsation wine making region is located off the beaten track of the classic Alsatian wine route, very close to Hotel Pfalzblick – Wissembourg and Cleebourg. It can be viewed as an extension of the German Wine Route into neighboring France.
The German Wine Route Day
On the German Wine Route Day – always the last Sunday in August – the Wine Route transforms into a pleasure mile for cyclers, inline skaters and hikers. Cars and motorcycles are not allowed to drive here from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on this day.
At the Palatinate's longest wine festival, the various communities along the wine route attract hundreds of thousands of visitors with a colorful entertainment program – and of course with the best wines of the Palatinate.
Book your vacation on the German Wine Route in the 4-star Hotel Pfalzblick now:
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